„Thank you very much for your previous supports, which were very helpful! I am fine now an do not estimate myself only based on the others words or evaluation“ (Coaching, Chinese client in Germany, 2,5 years after the coaching period)
„Axel half mir in schwierigen Zeiten in eine neue Rolle und Führungsposition. Er bot keine vorgefertigten Lösungen für meine Herausforderungen bei der Führung eines internationalen Teams in einem neuen Umfeld. Viel mehr hat er mir geholfen, die „offensichtlichen“ Hindernisse zu hinterfragen und einige der wirklichen Probleme zu finden, die mich in Schwierigkeiten gebracht haben. Er half mir dann, verschiedene Optionen für den Umgang mit diesen schwierigen Situationen zu entwickeln und unterstützte mich daher aktiv in meiner persönlichen Entwicklung.“ (HIC Coaching)
„I would like to personally say thank you to you again for the support along the process. Your introduction of the coach idea, your first call with me, and your suggestions for me, were inspiring and helpful. I am looking forward to working with J. and seeing the progress that we can make together. Thank you!“ (Coaching proposal, coach selection and proposals for choice)
„Ich persönlich habe mich mit Axel Kuhlmann regelmäßig getroffen um an meinen Business-Challenges zu arbeiten. Davon habe ich sehr profitiert, meine Karriere Entwicklung wurde dadurch sehr gefördert. Die systemische Sichtweise hat mir häufig die Augen geöffnet. Sowohl als persönlichen Coach als auch Team- und Organisationsentwickler kann ich sehr empfehlen. Ich nutze die Gelegenheit um mich für die Zusammenarbeit mit Axel Kuhlmann sehr zu bedanken.“ (HIC Coaching, Team-Entwicklung, Organisations-Entwicklung)
„Thank you very much for your previous supports, which were very helpful!“ (Intercultural coaching, Chinese in Germany)
„Axel unterstützte den kulturellen Wandel und half bei der Veränderung des Managements
Ansatz. Die Veränderungen gingen von der Schaffung eines Unternehmens-Kultur-Rahmens, Begleitung der Veränderung des Führungsmodell bis hin zu einer vollständigen Veränderung der betrieblichen Abläufe….Das Managementteam, aber auch jeder Mitarbeiter, konnte
die neuen Herausforderungen verstehen. Er war eine große Hilfe für mich als CEO! Sein Ansatz
ist wirklich ein Mehrwert, da er Verantwortung übernimmt und sich um den Prozess kümmert….“ (Organisationsentwicklung, Marken-Implementierung)
„Axel Kuhlmann works as an independent Coaching and Management Consultant in Shanghai. I have hired him for an individual coaching covering the topic of “From Small Talk to Sales”. The session started with an analysis of the current situa0on and the idendification of areas to work on. It was followed with practical advise matched to the individual needs and role play to enforce and practise findings and learnings. The session ended with a short summary and a plan how to implement the learnings in work life. Axel conducted the coaching in a very professional manner with a deep insight of the topic. He had a clear vision, extensive experience and a defined target which was reached a the end of the session. His advise has been practical and realistic and he initiates follow up contacts to support implementation. The coaching session has been very useful to me and I have already seen improvement in my approach and handling of potential sales situations.“ (Coaching, Mentoring)
“Axel pilot me, as a freshman Coachee, with his active listening and empathy very thoughtful through the process. Thanks to his constantly powerful, digging deeper as well as challenging questions it was liberating to pass the coming watergates one by one. I felt comfortable and in good hands, throughout out the whole coaching session. The result of an effective and realistic action plan helps me to follow up on my “challenges”. I recommend Axel as coach adding value to my private and to my professional life “ (HIC Coaching)
„Indeed the session have been quite rewarding in terms of self-awareness and even provided some hints to improve. Coach Axel is able to guide trainees step-by-step into a target and develops further in the sessions the solution based on participant own thoughts; in my case: self-awareness. Axel’s usage of frameworks and coaching based concepts are enriching the sessions. Basis of a successful session is an open-minded mindset and willingness to share. In other words, open up to a relative stranger. Personally the outcome is positive and a cornerstone for my leadership style. I will take it from there. Thanks Axel“ (HIC Coaching)